Thresholds: Gawler Place

I briefly explored in and around  Gawler Place  in the  hour or so that I had between meetings in Adelaide's CBD  on Wednesday (18th May).  This  exploration  focused less  on the empty shops or offices themselves,  and more on the urban  space of the street that included the empty offices.

More specifically,  it was the interface  space between the inside of the building and the street outside the building along with its various reflections in the glass windows of the buildings. What could be called thresholds. 

I  then started trying to incorporate the odd person walking past the building whilst also endeavouring to ensure that  the pedestrians  were overshadowed by the corporate buildings. I wanted their presence on the street  to appear to be insignificant in the sense that  I wanted them to be overshadowed by the buildings. 

If people make a city, then the corporations that own these buildings dominate our lives.They control how  we work  in them and they shape the geographical space  of the  city that is still primarily car centric. 

Unfortunately,  the hour or so that I had available  to explore the possibilities suggested by this  idea of thresholds  was too short.  I need time to walk the CBD  to find the most suitable locations.